by Harald Naumann | Aug 19, 2019 | FAQ
Request for an NB-IoT PCB antenna LoRa Tag without an enclosure Another request for a custom PCB antenna for NB-IoT. Since we invested in NB-IoT early on, we can bring a lot of experience. Simply taking over a layout of an antenna for an unlicensed band like LoRaWAN...
by Harald Naumann | Aug 14, 2019 | FAQ
Can you fit NB-IoT into a matchbox? We received a request for an NB-IoT device in a matchbox. It is of course not an actual matchbox but similar in size. Small NB-IoT devices with batteries operating in the frequency range from 600 MHz to 1000 MHz are the premium...
by Harald Naumann | Feb 11, 2019 | Antenna, FAQ
Is recertification necessary? Q: I have a question for you. It can be assumed that my new product contains a certified GSM module and is connected to a PCB antenna I developed. If my device is to receive CE certification, does it need to be fully re-tested? Will my...
by Harald Naumann | Sep 4, 2017 | Antenna
The Journey to develop the Gillette order button Introduction In 2016, a creative team in Frankfurt had the idea of developing an IoT push button for ordering goods via a cellular module. In principle, something similar to the Amazon Dash button, except using a...
by Harald Naumann | Jul 29, 2017 | Antenna
Gillette Order Button versus Amazon Dash Button What is the main difference between the order button concepts? Cellular antenna design – oven-ready in the IoT/M2M Cookbook The Amazon button is based on Wi-Fi and will run when connected to the home Wi-Fi network....
by Harald Naumann | Aug 11, 2015 | Antenna
Eddystone Beacon – First look from the inside out The Eddystone beacon is an open beacon format developed by Google. I got my hands on one before its official release. (n.b. the beacon was deprecated on December 7, 2020). Eddystone Beacon – physical facts...